Perg, Part II: Attractions & History of Perg

Smaller attractions near the Rathaus city hall and the market square of Perg are the Pranger or pillory, decorated with rustic ornaments. The Karbrunnen is a fountain that dates back to the later 17th century. The historic town centre of Perg is called Burgfried; it comprises of a historically designated area which was marked with border stones, called "Burgfriedstein". One of these Burgfriedsteine is still preserved today and you can track the border of the old quarter through it.

The Mühlsteinbruch is an old stone quarry, which was once rather important for the economy of Perg. It was first mentioned in 1391 and was maintained until the time of the First World War. Today, parts of the old mine can be visited with guided tours organised by the Stadtmuseum.

Speaking of museums: The Steinbrecherhaus can be found near the stone quarry of Perg and served as a home to families employed at the quarry. In 2007, this peasant′s house was purchased by a local history society, renovated and opened as a museum. The Heimathaus or town museum will teach you more on the local history of Perg and its surroundings. A focus of the exhibition is on dolls. The "Oldy-Kai" is a private museum that contains a rather peculiar array of old radios, sound record systems and bicycles.

History of Perg, Upper Austria

Finally, a few words on the history of Perg: The area around today′s Perg was first populated around 5000 BC, first by Neolithic cultures, later by Celtic tribes. Later, the Romans dominated the area - and Perg′s surroundings shared the fate of most of today′s Austria after 500: Migration of first Slavonic, later Bavarian tribes. Mission and cultivation work in the area of Perg was coordinated from Passau and other places in today′s Bavaria throughout the early Middle Ages. The name "Perg" is derived from a landlord family that came to the area from the Chiemgau; their ancestor′s name was "Pero", he gave his name to a settlement with a church: "Perochirchen". His "castle" is today′s Pfarrhof building in Pergkirchen.

The settlement gained significance, was elevated to a parish in 1142, later the nobles of Perg moved to Mitterberg (see today′s ruined castle as described before). Since 1208, Perg and surroundings belongs to Austria. Trade and market privileges lead to a very positive economic development during the late Middle Ages - thus the wealth in late-Gothic architecture, which is typical not only for Perg, but the entire Mühlviertel.

The wealth ceased in the reformation and counterreformation. The area recovered only in Baroque days, just to be pushed back by a fire in 1708 and a century later by the Napoleonic Wars. 19th and 20th century passed by with the usual disturbances (economic crises, two world wars, but nothing special in comparison to the rest of the country). In 1969, Perg became a city - and is a city ever since.

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Further Reading

Official Website of Perg

Tourism Website on Perg, Upper Austria

Official Website of Upper Austria