st. marx, where mozart was buried: Vienna Cemeteries

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The cemetery of St. Marx is where Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was buried in a mass grave.

The Cemetery of St. Marx was seriously overgrown in 2007. When I told a colleague at the ORF about this, she reacted with surprise - it had just been refurbished and apparenty was in a state much worse before. Anyway, the weeds add a lot of appeal to this forgotten chunk of Biedermeier culture of Vienna. It is home to the bodies of not only Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but also to the one of the inventor of the sewing machine.

Tourists generally prefer a pillar dedicated to Mozart in a location that could possibly be the one where the master was dumped in a mass grave in 1792. Right next to the Friedhof St. Marx you find a highway, office towers and a shabby residential area - a rather bizarre combination. To get there, take a tram from Schwarzenbergplatz.