raven on friedhof hietzing: Cemeteries of Vienna

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A raven has landed on a tomb in Hietzing. This cemetery includes graves of Gustav Klimt, Otto Wagner and Franz Grillparzer.

A raven that has landed on an elaborately decorated tomb in Hietzing. The cemetery of Hietzing accumulates a whole lot of Austrian nobility, dead like their empire. Yet, with Hietzing being a popular suburb to live at for everybody who could (and can) afford it, it attracted all sorts of celebrities - several of whom are buried at the Friedhof Hietzing today.

These include the Sezession artist Kolo Moser, a co-founder of the Wiener Werkstätte; his buddy Gustav Klimt, who had his last workshop in Feldmühlgasse in Hietzing; the Austrian Fascist Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss; the composer Alban Berg, a student of Arnold Schoenberg (who is buried on the Zentralfriedhof, as every respectable composer); and the architect Otto Wagner.
